
  • TS-990S

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HF/6m Flagship Base Station


Discontinued model


Key Features

  • The TS-990S has the overwhelmingly highest quality receiver among the TS series.
    The dual receivers facilitate reception on different bands. The main receiver is the highest quality receiver among the TS-900 series, thanks to its down-conversion configuration, newly developed mixer, and five types of roofing filters. The highest quality transceiver shows its true metal in contests, fierce pile-ups and high-intensity signals. The TS-990S will surely satisfy any real DX’er.
  • Super sub, which supports simultaneous dual reception.
    Two attractive features of simultaneous dual reception for different bands are that you can easily change the condx on other bands and easily handle split-operation. From this single device a whole new array of strategies becomes possible.
  • Innovation spurred by digital technology has revolutionized the Kenwood tone.
    Even after using narrow bandwidth filters for long periods of time, it is still easy to hear and less tiring to listen to. In addition to introducing AGC control using dedicated DSP, we have further refined the Kenwood tone and reception sound quality transmitted by radio operators worldwide by innovating the analogue AGC unit and installing numerous interference and noise elimination functions. Such innovations have given new life to Kenwood’s legendary tone.
  • Transmitter performance, featuring high-scale specifi cations, can withstand long periods of operation at full power.
    Operating stably even when continually working over long periods of time, such as in competitions.
  • Fitted with dual TFT displays for an intuitive situational understanding.
    The combination of two displays, main and sub band, allows you to simultaneously monitor the target signal and the surrounding area with minimal eye movement.
  • Comfortable operational performance that you can control at will.
    The panel layout, familiar to Kenwood users, allows for intuitive operation. It is sure to win you over, increasing the accuracy of your operations and allowing you to develop greater familiarity with the equipment.

Supplied With

AC Mains CableYes
FuseYes, 1 x 4A
Instruction ManualYes, Includes Circuit Diagram
Line FilterYes
PlugsYes, 1 x 7-pin DIN
1 x 13-pin DIN

Amateur Radio General Features

10 MHz Reference I/O PortYes, Selectable as Off, Input or Output. Impedance = 50Ω. Input level = 0dBm ± 10dB. Output Level = 0dBm
"Band Elimination Filter"Yes, Offers selectable-width notch function (300-1200Hz in 100Hz steps) with selectable attenuation (20 - 80 dB in 20 dB steps)
Built-in CW Keyer with Message MemoriesYes
Built-in Power SupplySwitched Mode PSU
Built-in Voice Guide and RecorderYes. Fully configurable guidance including operating status, SWR, TX power, menus.
ClockYes, Two clock displays (local/time-zone) plus date. Can be updated from NTP servers via the LAN port
COM Port - D-sub 9-pinYes
Connectivity10MHz Ref Clock Oscillator I/O (BNC)
External ATU port
Keypad (3.5 mm jack)
COM Port (Female 9-pin)
Straight/Paddle Key/External Keyer (6.3mm jack)
2 x USB-A & 1 x USB-B ports
"ACC-2" Data/audio connector
"Remote" linear connector
Analogue Meter (3.5mm jack)
"DRV" low-level LF drive (RCA)
Optical I/O
2 x external speaker sockets (3.5mm jacks)
DVI-I Dual-link video port
LAN port
Connector for External ATUYes
Connector for Remote/Linear AmpYes
CTCSS Encoder/DecoderYes, Single-tone and cross-tone functions
Data Connection for External TNCYes
Digital Noise LimiterYes
Digital Optical PortsYes, Input = 44.1/48kHz 16/24-bit
Output = 48kHz 24-bit
Dimmer KeyYes - for displays and LEDs. 4 dimmer levels
Direct-access Band ButtonsYes, 10 buttons for Amateur bands 1.8 - 50 MHz plus 2 buttons for General Coverage. Up to 5 band-memories per button
Direct Frequency EntryYes
"DRV" Low Level Drive Output TerminalYes, RCA jack - 1 mW output covers 1.8 to 50 MHz bands plus the 135.80-137.70 kHz LF band.
Dual ReceiveYes
DSP Devices3 x Analog Devices Inc SHARC 32-bit DSP chips
for Main IF, Sub IF and Bandscope functions
DX Cluster Tune FunctionYes, With compatible external Kenwood transceiver
Firmware Upgradeable via PCYes
Firmware Upgradeable via USB PortYes
Front Panel KeyPadYes
FSK Reverse ModeYes
Headphone Socket with Dual RX OutputYes, Main and sub-Band RX audio can heard either mixed, or separated to the left/right channels
High Frequency StabilityYes
Illuminated Front Panel KeysYes
Key BeepYes - adjustable + OFF
Key LockYes
LAN PortYes
Loudspeaker SocketTwo external loudspeakers can be connected via 2 x 3.5mm mono sockets. Impedance range 4 - 8 ohms
Memory Channel Lock-outYes
Memory Channels with Alpha-tagging120 Memory Channels
Memory Shift FunctionYes
Menu System for individual set-upYes, Switchable between CONFIG A and CONFIG B. Can also be saved to USB stick
Microphone Socket8-pin "Chrome" type
Monitor FunctionYes
Multiple Scan FunctionsYes
Mute FunctionYes
PC Radio Control Program (Option)Yes
Power-On MessageYes
Power-Off TimerConfigurable, including Timed Audio Recording
Pre-amplifierYes, Configurable per band
Pre-selectorYes, Configurable
Programmable Function KeysYes, 2 Front Panel PF keys plus up to 8 external/mic keys
PSK31 CompatibleYes
Receiver Hi-cut/Lo-cut DSP Slope FiltersYes
Receiver Noise BlankerYes
Receiver Notch Filter FunctionYes
Remote Operation via the InternetARHP-990 Software allows remote operation
Roofing FilterEquipped with 270Hz, 500Hz, 2.7kHz, 6kHz and 15kHz as standard, plus space for optional 6th filter
Screen SaverYes, Configurable - two styles including 10-character text for callsign, name etc.
Sky Command 2Yes, With compatible external Kenwood transceiver
Speech ProcessorYes
Sub ReceiverYes, Equivalent to TS-590S main receiver
TFT Colour DisplayYes, 2 TFT displays. 7" main display with operating information, Bandscope, Waterfall and touch-screen tuning function plus 3.5" sub display with audio scope, PSK tuning meter etc. Selectable background colours. 4 different styles of S-meter presentation. Sub-display includes X-Y function (FSK) or Vector function (PSK)
Time-Out TimerYes
Transverter Display FunctionYes - direct entry of transverter frequency
TX Audio FilterYes
TX FunctionsSpeech Processor (Adjustable In/Out Levels). Changeable TX Filter Bandwidth. TX Audio Monitor. TX DSP Equalizer. VOX (Adjustable Gain and Delay Time settings). MIC Gain Control. CAR Level Setting. Adjustable Power Output.
TX/RX EqualizerYes
USB PortYes, 2 x USB-A for flash drives/keyboard plus 1 x USB-B for PC connectivity
Variable LCD Brightness with Selectable DimmerYes, Four configurable settings
Video Display PortYes, DVI port. Selectable 800x600 or 848x480 resolution
VOXYes, Separately configurable for voice (SSB, FM & AM) or Data Mode. Adjustable Gain, Delay and Anti-VOX

Amateur HF Specifications

HF Output Power200 W SSB/FM/CW/FSK, 50 W AM
50 MHz RF Output Power200 W SSB/FM/CW/FSK, 50 W AM
5 W Minimum Output for QRP operationYes
A.C. Supply Voltage220 - 240 V (50/60 Hz)
Antenna Impedance - 50 OhmYes
Antenna Tunable Range (160 - 6 m Bands) - 16.7 Ohm to 150 OhmYes
Audio Output Impedance - 8 OhmYes
Audio Output PowerMore than 1.5 W (8 Ohm, 10% distortion)
Continuous RX: 30 kHz - 60 MHzYes, Within spec - 0.13 - 30 MHz & 50 - 54 MHz
Current Drain (approx.)TX - 840 VA Power Consumption
RX - 200 VA Power Consumption
Frequency Stability± 0.1 ppm 0 °C to +50 °C
Microphone Impedance - 600 OhmYes
ModesA1A (CW), A3E (AM), J3E (SSB), F3E (FM), F1B (FSK) & G1B (PSK)
Notch Filter AttenuationAuto Mode - More than 60 dB
Manual Mode - More than 70 dB
Operating Temperature Range-0 °C to + 50 °C
Receiver Beat EliminationMore than 40 dB
Receiver CircuitryMain RX - Double superheterodyne
Sub RX1 Down Conversion - Double superheterodyne
Sub RX2 Up Conversion - Triple superheterodyne
Receiver Frequency RangeVFO Coverage = 30kHz - 60MHz
Main Band spec guaranteed = 0.13 - 30MHz/50-54MHz
Receiver IF Rejection RatioLess than 70dB
Receiver Image Rejection RatioHF - Less than 70dB
50MHz - Less than 60dB
Receiver Intermediate FrequenciesMain RX - 1st IF 8.248 MHz/2nd IF 24 kHz (FM - 455 kHz)
Sub RX1 Down Conversion - 1st IF 11.374 MHz/2nd IF 24 kHz
Sub RX2 Up Conversion - 1st IF 73.095 MHz/2nd IF 10.695 MHz/3rd IF 24 kHz (FM - 455 kHz)
Receiver SelectivitySSB (LO:200/HI:2800 Hz) - More than 2.4 kHz @ -6 dB/Less than 4.4 kHz @ -60dB
CW/FSK/PSK (Width: 500 Hz): More than 500 Hz @ -6 dB/Less than 1.2 kHz @ - 60 dB
AM (LO:100/HI:3000 Hz) - More than 6 kHz @ -6 dB/Less than 12 kHz @ -60dB
FM - More than 12 kHz @ -6 dB/Less than 25 kHz @ -50dB
Receiver Sensitivity - 0.13 - 0.522 MHzSSB/CW/FSK/PSK = less than 0.5µV
AM = less than 6.3µV
Receiver Sensitivity - 0.522 - 1.705 MHzSSB/CW/FSK/PSK = less than 4µV
AM = less than 32µV
Receiver Sensitivity - 1.705 - 24.5 MHzSSB/CW/FSK/PSK = less than 0.2µV
AM = less than 2µV
Receiver Sensitivity - 24.5 - 30 MHzSSB/CW/FSK/PSK = less than 0.13µV
AM = less than 1.3µV
Receiver Sensitivity - 28 - 30 MHz (FM)Less than 0.22µV
Receiver Sensitivity - 50 - 54 MHzSSB/CW/FSK/PSK = less than 0.13µV
AM = less than 1.3µV
FM = less than 0.22µV
RIT Frequency Range± 9.999 kHz
Transmitter Carrier SupressionLess than -60 dB
Transmitter Frequency Response300 Hz - 2700 Hz (within -6 dB)
Transmitter ModulationSSB/FM/AM = Balanced/Reactance/Low Power
Transmitter Spurious RadiationLess than -60dB
Transmitter Spurious Radiation - 50 MHzLess than - 66 dB
Transmitter Unwanted Sideband SupressionLess than -60dB
XIT Frequency Range± 9.999 kHz
DimensionsW x H x D = 460 x 182 x 449 mm including projections
Weight24.5 kg

CW Features


External LoudspeakerYes, SP-990

Applicable Standards

CE MarkedYes
R&TTE: 1999/5/ECYes
Factory Quality Certification and LocationISO 9001. Manufactured in Japan