


UHF NEXEDGE ATEX/IECEx Digital/Analogue Portable Radio with GPS

As well as offering the benefits of advanced digital technology - including increased effective coverage area, low noise for superior clarity, and inherently secure voice communication - the NX-230EX is ATEX/IECEx-certified for use in potentially explosive atmospheres such as oil refineries, chemical plants, grain silos, pipeline and other chemical applications.

  • NX-330EXE
  • NX-330EXE
  • NX-330EXE
  • NX-330EXE

Additional Images

Key Features

  • NXDN Digital Air Interface with AMBE+2 Vocoder for Natural Sounding Digital Voice
  • Operates in NXDN Digital and FM Analogue modes, even on the same channel. Autosenses Received Mode (Digital or Analogue)
  • ATEX Certified to EU 94/9/EC. Gas protection - II2G Ex ib IIC T4 Gb
  • Dust protection - II2D Ex ib IIIC T110 degrees C Db
  • Mining - IM2 Ex ib I Mb
  • Built-in GPS
  • Digital Conventional and Digital Trunking Modes
  • Multi-Site Digital Trunking, up to 60000 GIDs and 60000 UIDs per Network
  • Multi-Site IP Network Compatible
  • True 6.25 kHz channel spacing operation
  • Includes Radio-To-Radio Mode (no repeater needed)
  • IP65/67 and MIL-STD 810C/D/E/F/G Certification

Supplied With

Belt ClipYes
Instruction ManualYes, In English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Greek & Turkish
Screw SetYes

PMR General Features

5-Tone Signalling formatsZVEI, ZVEI2, CCIR, EIA, EEA and "Kenwood" in normal 5-Tone. 2-Frames 5-Tone, 3-Frames 5-Tone plus up to 8-Tone formats
Battery Saver ModeYes
Battery Status IndicatorYes
Busy Channel Lock-outYes
Calling AlertYes
Compact DesignYes
Companded AudioYes
Digital ANI Built-inYes
Display configurable in languages other than EnglishYes
Dot Matrix DisplayYes
3-Digit Sub-DisplayYes
DTMF FunctionYes
Ease of Operating UseYes
Emergency Call FunctionYes
Emergency KeyYes
Emergency Advanced Motion Detection FunctionMan-Down function as standard. And by an optional Software Licence gives Dual-mode "Staff Safe" alerts triggered either by a pre-set time with no movement or a pre-set time of excessive movement
Flash Upgradeable FirmwareYes
FleetSync/FleetSync IIYes
Front-panel Test FunctionYes
GPS Built-InYes
Internal VOX ReadyYes
Front-panel KeypadYes, 12-keys. Telephone-style keypad
Lone Worker FunctionYes
Low Battery WarningYes
Man-Down FunctionYes, Both the trigger angle and the trigger time can be pre-set
MPT1327 TrunkingYes, In Analogue FM Trunked mode
Multiple Scanning FunctionYes
Operator Selectable ToneYes
Programmable Function Keys8 Programmable Function Keys
Programmable TX/RX IndicationYes, Switchable ON or OFF
QT (CTCSS) / DQT (digital)Yes
Remote StunYes
RSSI Level IndicatorYes
SDM Manual InputYes
SelCall FunctionYes
Short/Long Text MessagingYes
Single-Tone Encode, 2-Tone EncodeYes
Talk AroundYes
"Talk Back" Scanning FunctionYes
Time-Out TimerYes
Transceiver PasswordYes
Transparent Data ModeYes
Voice Inversion ScramblerYes
Voting FunctionYes
Windows PC Programming and TuningYes
Wired Cloning FunctionYes

NEXEDGE Features

Alphanumerical Aliases14 Characters
Auto-Roaming/Registration (Multi-Site Trunking Mode)Yes
Broadcast Call (Trunking Mode)Yes
Call Queuing with PriorityYes
CW (Morse Code) Message FunctionYes
Fail Soft ModeYes
FM Analogue Conventional IncludedYes
GIDs Per Network (Multi-Site Trunking Mode)60000
GPS Location with VoiceYes
Group Call (Trunking Mode)Yes
Group Registration (Trunking Mode)Yes
Individual Private Call (Trunking Mode)Yes
Late Entry (Trunking Mode)Yes
Location RegistrationYes
Message Trunked ModeYes
Multi-Site IP Network CompatibleYes, Up to 48 sites
NXDN Conventional IncludedYes
NXDN Digital 12.5/6.25kHz Channel SpacingYes
Over-the-air AliasYes
Over-the-air ProgrammingYes, Allows NEXEDGE radios to be re-programmed remotely
Priority Monitor IDsYes, 4 IDs
Radio Access Numbers (RAN)Yes, 64 (Including "None") in Digital Conventional Mode
Remote Group Add (Trunking Mode)Yes
Remote Stun/Revive/KillYes
Selcall - Individual and Group (Digital Mode)Yes
Short & Long Data MessagesYes
Site Roaming (Digital Conventional Mode)Yes
Special Alert Tone PatternsYes
Status MessagingYes
Telephone Interconnect FunctionYes, Requires KTI-4 Interconnect and a Telco unit
Transmission Trunked ModeYes
UIDs Per Network (Multi-Site Trunking Mode)60000
Wide Area All Group Call (Multi-Site Trunking Mode)Yes

FleetSync Signalling Features

Emergency StatusYes
GPS Ack RequestYes
Group CallingYes
Power On/Off Status MessagesYes
PTT ID & Emergency GPS ReportingYes
PTT ID Digital ANIYes
Selective CallingYes
Send GPS DataYes
Short Text MessagesYes
Status Message Block GPS ReportingYes
Status MessagingYes

Applicable Standards

ATEX CertificationYes, to EU 94/9/EC.
Certified to II2G Ex ib IIC T4 Gb - Gas protection, II2D Ex ib IIIC T110 degrees C Db - Dust Protection, IM2 Ex ib I Mb - Mining
R&TTE: EN300 086, 300 113, 300 219, 301 489, 301 166Yes
R&TTE: EN300 440Yes
R&TTE: EN301 166Voice & Data for 6.25KHz Digital
EU Safety: EN60065, 60950-1, 60215Yes
Factory Quality Certification and LocationISO 9001. Manufactured in Japan
For use in the EUYes
IECEx CertificationGas protection - Ex ib IIC T4 Gb.
Dust protection - Ex ib IIIC T110 degrees C Db
Mining - Ex ib I Mb
Measurement - EIA StandardsYes
Measurement - EN StandardsYes
MIL-STD 810 C/D/E/F/GYes

Technical Specifications

Frequency Range400 - 470 MHz
Number of Channels512
Number of Zones128
Talk GroupsYes
Channel Frequency Spread70 MHz
Channel Spacing - Analogue - Wide/Mid/Narrow25 kHz/20 kHz/12.5 kHz
Channel Spacing - Digital - Wide/Narrow12.5 kHz/6.25 kHz
Antenna Impedance - 50 OhmYes
Battery Life5-5-90
approx 8.5 hours GPS ON
approx 14 hours GPS OFF
Frequency Stability± 1 ppm (-20 °C to + 50 °C)
Operating Temperature Range-20 °C to + 50 °C
Operating Voltage7.5 V DC (± 6.2/8.4 V)
DimensionsWith KNB-70LEX:
138 x 58 x 39.8 mm
- Projections not included -
Weight (net)With KNB-70LEX: 493 g

Receiver Specifications

Adjacent Channel Selectivity (Analogue)68 dB at 12.5 kHz
Audio Output500 mW with less than 3% distortion. 8 Ohms Impedance
Intermodulation (Analogue)65 dB
Sensitivity (Analogue) - EIA 12 dB SINAD0.28 µV at 25 kHz
0.28 µV at 20 kHz
0.32 µV at 12.5 kHz
Sensitivity (Analogue) - EN 20 dB SINAD-3 dB µV at 25 kHz
-3 dB µV at 20 kHz
-1 dB µV at 12.5 kHz
Sensitivity (Digital)3% BER:
0.32 µV at 12.5 kHz
0.25 µV at 6.25 kHz
1% BER:
-1 dB µV at 12.5 kHz
-4 dB µV at 6.25 kHz
Spurious Reponse Rejection (Analogue)70 dB

Transmitter Specifications

RF Power Output1.2 W
FM Noise (EIA)Analogue:
48 dB at 25 kHz
48 dB at 20 kHz
43 dB at 12.5 kHz
Modulation DistortionLess than 3%
Modulation LimitingAnalogue:
± 5.0 kHz at 25 kHz
± 4.0 kHz at 20 kHz
± 2.5 kHz at 12.5 kHz
Spurious Emission (EN)-36 dBm ≤ 1 GHz
-30 dBm > 1 GHz